Yoni Steams
The Yoni Steam is a natural and gentle holistic approach to vaginal steaming. Vaginal Steaming has been historically used to cleanse the uterus, release toxins, for fertility conditions, cleansing after the menstrual cycle each month, after childbirth support to re-strengthen and tone the reproductive organs.
If you have any of the following conditions you will benefit from a y-steam: uterine fibroids, painful menstruation, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, reproductive adhesion/scar tissue.

Butt Enhancement

Non-Invasive Vacuum Therapy Enhancement...Enhances size and tone of butt/breast by oxygenating blood flow with suction & release therapy to plump and maximize the appearance of treated area. Results are permanent once achieved.
Cellulite Treatment

Ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure that uses sound waves to target and eliminate fat in the abdomen and thighs. Results take two or three months. It’s recommended that you combine ultrasound with another cellulite treatment.
Once the fat is released, some patients have noticed that they feel warmer or unwell temporarily.
Even though cavitation is extremely effective, women should still eat a high fiber, healthy diet.
Drinking water will help the liver to metabolize fat and ensure that the procedure is successful.

Ultrasonic cavitation, also called ultrasonic lipolysis, is a body contouring treatment that is used to remove fat deposits under your skin. It is a safer alternative to surgical options, like liposuction. The treatment uses ultrasonic radio waves to break apart fat cells, which are then absorbed into your body by your lymphatic system. Ultrasonic cavitation doesn’t require any incisions, which means recovery is easier. It also means results might be less noticeable.
Ultrasonic cavitation is meant to target small areas of fat and help contour your body. It isn’t a treatment for people who are trying to lose a lot of weight.

Pyoenergen Therapy

Services & Programs
The Healing Spa is the perfect place to be renewed and to release from every area. Here are the areas we use to make a difference...and feel free to bring a friend ... We have amazing Spa Packages.
Yoni Steams
The Yoni Steam is a natural and gentle holistic approach to vaginal steaming. Vaginal Steaming has been historically used to cleanse the uterus, release toxins, for fertility conditions, cleansing after the menstrual cycle each month, after childbirth support to re-strengthen and tone the reproductive organs.
If you have any of the following conditions you will benefit from a y-steam: uterine fibroids, painful menstruation, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, reproductive adhesion/scar tissue.

Butt Enhancement
Non-Invasive Vacuum Therapy Enhancement...Enhances size and tone of butt/breast by oxygenating blood flow with suction & release therapy to plump and maximize the appearance of treated area. Results are permanent once achieved.

Cellulite Treatment
Ultrasound is a noninvasive procedure that uses sound waves to target and eliminate fat in the abdomen and thighs. Results take two or three months. It’s recommended that you combine ultrasound with another cellulite treatment.
Once the fat is released, some patients have noticed that they feel warmer or unwell temporarily. Even though cavitation is extremely effective, women should still eat a high fiber, healthy diet. Drinking water will help the liver to metabolize fat and ensure that the procedure is successful.

Ultrasound Cavitation

Ultrasonic cavitation, also called ultrasonic lipolysis, is a body contouring treatment that is used to remove fat deposits under your skin. It is a safer alternative to surgical options, like liposuction. The treatment uses ultrasonic radio waves to break apart fat cells, which are then absorbed into your body by your lymphatic system. Ultrasonic cavitation doesn’t require any incisions, which means recovery is easier. It also means results might be less noticeable.
Ultrasonic cavitation is meant to target small areas of fat and help contour your body. It isn’t a treatment for people who are trying to lose a lot of weight.

Pyro-energen Therapy
The PYRO-ENERGEN is the first and the only electrostatic therapy machine in the world specially designed for both preventing and eradicating the root cause of cancer, viral diseases, and diseases of unknown cause (unknown etiology).
The PYRO-ENERGEN machine works by enveloping the patient's body with a special electric field made of negatively-charged static electricity. When the body is surrounded by this electric field, it creates an environment wherein the cancer cells and viruses cannot reproduce and mutate, and will eventually die. All of this is done miraculously without affecting normal body cells. On a healthy individual, the use of PYRO-ENERGEN will prevent cancer cells and viruses from being created.
For more information www.pyroenergen.com
Purchase your machine from The Healing Spa and get a $100 discount!!

Dry Sauna
Dry saunas relieve tension and stress, stimulate blood circulation, and help rejuvenate the skin through perspiration. In comparison to wet sauna, the heat of the dry sauna is much more tolerable. It is believed the process takes place more quickly with dry heat, and that it is possible to spend more time in the sauna and reap the benefits for longer because of its tolerability.

While it won't make you burn fat, the sweating that you do in the sauna does help you lose a bit of water weight, which will make you feel considerably lighter. Since an increase in body temperature, dry sauna triggers the skin pores to be open to allow the body to cool through sweating naturally, it will also drain toxic substances and unwanted elements from the body overtime purifying your blood.
Paraffin Hand Wax
Paraffin wax is a natural emollient, helping make skin supple and soft. When applied, it adds moisture and continues to boost the moisture levels of the skin after the treatment is complete. It can also help open pores and remove dead skin cells. That may help make the skin look fresher and feel smoother. Paraffin wax may be used to help relieve pain in the hands of people with:

It acts like a form of heat therapy and can help increase blood flow, relax muscles, and decrease joint stiffness. Paraffin wax can also minimize muscle spasms and inflammation as well as treat sprains.
Endermologie is deep-tissue massage treatment used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Endermologie is a painless and nonivasive mechanical massage that stimulates the reactivation of fat release and production of collagen and elastin. Endermologie can slim fat cells, smooth cellulite, firm the skin and sculpt your figure.
It improves lymphatic circulation, tones the skin, and also contributes to a 70% increase in the release of fat cells, also known as lipolysis*